Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Week 20: It's a Boy!

I went to the hospital for my monthly checkup with my OB. I'm now 20weeks, halfway through my pregnancy! I'm feeling a lot better. My spotting had stopped. All my tests for premature labor or any bacteria turned out negative. My detailed scan is scheduled next week on my 21st week. Since, there are few patients at that time, my OB asked if I could be scanned today. Since, there is an open slot, they squeezed me in. I immediately called my habibi if he could come for the ultrasound. I wouldn't go through it without him. Since my habibi isn't around yet, the nurse asked if I wanted to go ahead with the ultrasound then just repeat it once my habibi arrived to show him the baby. I went ahead with the nurse's assurance. First thing the sonographer showed me was the face, immediately I noticed how prominent the nose is.
Good thing he got it from me! Just kidding! Hahahaha!

Then she showed me the lips to see any malformation. Good thing none was found. Spine was next, then she proceeded with the legs. Then I saw something similar to the Pregnancy for Dummies videos we've seen discussing the baby's gender. Before the sonographer announced, I already knew that our baby is a boy! That put a smile on my face for I know how happy my habibi will be.

Inspection of the internal organs was next. Fortunately, everything was normal. I also asked her to check if she could find any source of my bleeding. She didn't find any. She said my cervix is still closed. That pleased me.

When my habibi arrived, the ultrasound was done. But the nurse was true to her words. In a minute, we were back to the scanning room. Instead of focusing on the screen this time, I focused on my habibi. The sonographer was nice enough to allow my habibi to take a video. We can't wait until we finally hold our baby boy!


Jayr n Anne said...

Thank God for this wonderful blessing. No words can aptly describe how happy and blessed we are. God is so good!

Unknown said...

Yay! Little boys are so much fun. Congrats! :) ~becca and mark

Anne n Jayr said...

Thanks sis! God bless!