Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Week 18: Our Baby Moved!

A few days ago, I started to feel our baby move! As I got off our shuttle service on my way home, I skipped from the bus to the side walk. I knew I landed gently but somehow I felt a small round of air punch my right tummy when my foot touched the pavement. It's not painful at all but I was a bit shocked for a moment for I'm not sure if it really was the baby that I felt! Once home, we read some articles on baby development on Week 18. It says that during this week that mothers can now start feeling the baby's movement. I'm happy that our baby's development is in tuned accordingly. My friend told me that my habibi would be thrilled once he felt our baby moving while touching my tummy. Unfortunately, our baby happens to move only when he's not around.

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