Cooking Challenge 2: California Maki
Maki is not my favorite dish. But since, it's my habibi's fave I decided to learn how to make one. I can still recall when I had my first taste of Maki. Back in college, my friend Donna, now living in Dubai, bought one and had me taste it. I bravely took a bite. Instantly, I tasted the mango, felt strange about it and decided that would be the last time I'd eat one. Then my habibi came and re-introduced me to the dish. Strangely, I loved it. So here is my attempt to make the dish my habibi loved. We decided to have an Japanese themed dinner with the dish. I also cooked poached salmon, recipe below.
Baboo mat wrapped in Clingfilm
2 sheets seaweed paper
sushi rice (refer below for the recipe)
Thinly sliced mango
Imitation crab meat
Sesame seeds
Soy Sauce
1. On the bamboo mat, lay the seaweed paper then cover with sushi rice leaving about 1/2 inch seaweed without rice at the bottom. Press lightly so the rice will stick into place. You may deep your fingers on a bowl of water so the rice won't stick.
2. Turn the seaweed paper and rice over.
3. Place crab meat and mango at about 1 inch away from the bottom.
4. Then carefully, start to roll the mat. Hold firmly to form a roll. Continue rolling until the seaweed and rice is compressed into a roll.
5. Unroll the mat.
6. Sprinkle with sesame seeds.
7. Cut with cold knife.
8. Serve with soy sauce mixed with wasabe and calamansi.
Sushi Rice (This recipe can make 4 sushi rolls)
2 cups uncooked rice
Sushi Vinegar
1 1/2 tbsp. rice vinegar
1 tbsp. caster sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
I've read that the secret to a perfect maki or sushi roll is its sushi rice. I thoroughly washed the uncooked rice thoroughly and let it drain for about 45 minutes. Instead of cooking it the conventional way, I cooked it in a rice cooker. :D I'm not that confident in cooking rice. Once the rice is cooked, I prepared the vinegar mixture.
Poached Salmon
This is my second time to cook this dish. I got intrigued with this dish when we ate at Ikea Restaurant. When I ordered for a salmon, I saw that their salmon were just sitting on a container with clear liquid. I'm sure that it's just not water so I searched for its recipe in the net. I found one at It was so easy to do. Anyone without cooking skills can do this. I had some leeks and green onions left overs so I used it as a substitute for onions.
2 cuts of salmon
1/2 cup rice wine
1/2 cup water
slices of onions
fresh parsley
ground pepper
1. Combine all ingredients in a pan. Bring to boil.2. Place salmon, skin down. Put salt and pepper on top of salmon. Cover and cook for 5 minutes.
cooking challenge!
walang challenge.
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