Coming Soon!
The moment I opened this blogsite of ours, my attention was suddenly caught by the small box in the lower right side of this page.. 23 days to go (or even less) before we can finally meet our baby and Im very very excited! Am I ready to be a father? Will I be a good father? Can we provide all the things that our child needs? Will our baby look more like me, or his mother? Those are just the questions that popped out of my mind. It was not very long ago when I was once a dependent boy to his parents for everything and now here I am, entering a new chapter in my life and just few weeks away from receiving the most wonderful gift of life from God, whose future will be dependent on how effective parents we can be. I know its still too early to think of the future so for now, I'll just sit back, relax, and reflect on which is the better way of changing diapers with poo-poo. hehehe. Another thing that excites me are the toys that were going to buy for our kid. Now I can have an excuse to my wife of buying those big RC cars etc. =)
I maybe a newbie in this challenging and exciting world of fatherhood, but one thing is for sure, I will do my best to be the best father that my son can surely be proud of!
i've been following your blogs and i actually bookmark . i can say i'm a big fun of your love story and i am also excited of your baby. goodluck to both of you and good health to your baby.
@englishrose - Thanks and God bless..
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