Tuesday, February 10, 2009

One Answered Prayer!

We received the fruit of our prayers last night.

We bought two test kits last Monday to apease our boggling mind if we made it or not. I insisted to take the test at night thinking that we'll just sleep over it if the result is negative. Excited and afraid we got up to do the test. The test says to dip the stick into the sample for five seconds then lay it on flat surface and the result may be read after one minute. So we both counted, "1001,1002,1003,1004,1005"! As soon as the stick started to do its works, I looked away scared to see the result. Then in about 10 seconds JayR jumped about 3 feet away and shouted something like "Yes! Positive! Thank you!" I just stood for awhile shocked watching him. Then I looked at the result and the lines were so clear! I still can't believe my eyes! It really is positive!

Then we hugged! :D Immediately I called my mother to get online so we could chat! Then I showed it to her! She was elated! Then we called JayR's parents then my father. They were all happy as expected.

We couldn't sleep that night! We tried but we just can't! We closed our eyes with big smiles on our faces literally!!! I think I got to sleep at around 2:30am already. Then our alarm went off at 7:30am. I got up to prepare breakfast. I was shocked to see my habibi got up with me! Hahaha! I tried to ignore him and went straight to the kitchen. I looked at him and asked him what time did he woke up. He won't say but I knew he woke up earlier than I did for the lights on the restroom are still on! hahaha! Apparently he woke up every hour that night! Talk about excitement!

We both skipped work today to go see my OB. Unfortunately, my OB was on leave so I just asked for any lady doctor available. We had an ultrasound to check if the baby is inside my womb or not. Fortunately it is. Here are the first pictures of our baby! We'll come back after two weeks to hear the heartbeat!

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