Week 37: 3cm dilated!!!
We survived pre-mature labor! My OB was happy to see me still pregnant during my 37th week check up. I'm now on a weekly checkup which only means that my delivery will come very soon!
The night before my checkup, I felt cramps on my lower abdomen, similar to menstrual cramps. It was painful but it was tolerable. The cramps would come every time our baby would move. I did not give much attention to it and just slept over it. During my check up, my OB checked my cervix to see how much dilated I am. There was glow in her eyes when she measured and counted 1..2..3.. and then stop. I asked her what does it mean? She told me that as much as she was happy to tell me that I am now 3cm dilated, there's not much to tell! :D We were also told that our baby's head is already engaged meaning I can deliver within the day, or weeks to come. Back home, I searched the net about experiences of pregnant women that are 3cm dilated. All of them says that it depends on each pregnant women. Some may be 3cm dilated and deliver within the day, while some will have to wait until a week or two before they deliver. My sister in law was 2cm dilated during her check up then delivered a week after. So it's just a matter of time! We're just waiting for my contractions to start then we're off to the hospital! We're all packed and ready to go anytime! :D